Crs 70 cationic spray grade bitumen emulsion product data sheet 201404. Asphalt bitumen 8052424 4075 water 7732185 2560 fatty amin emulsifier mixture 60 % bitumen and 40% water, however residual bitumen content can be increased to 70%. Crs 60 cationic spray grade bitumen emulsion product data sheet 201404. Bitumen 6070 specifications asphalt 6070 penetration. For example, emulsions can be used for chip sealing in cooler weather, or with. In road making, bitumen products are typically applied with mineral aggregate. Seven distinct grades of bitumen emulsion are specified under australian standard as1160 bitumen emulsions for road construction and maintenance each defined by their basic type and setting characteristics.
Penetration bitumen grade 60 70 is semi hard penetration grade bitumen used as paving grade bitumen which is suitable for road construction and repair. Not determined as a marine pollutant however, before drying, will be soluble in water which could be hazardous to birds and fish. Do not apply severe heat to pump packing glands or pump casing. Manufacturer and supplier of iran bitumen crs1 and crs2.
Generaly this is 60 % bitumen and 40% water, however residual bitumen content can be increased to 70%. Consult specification sheets for technical information. In the emulsification process, hot binder is mechanically separated into minute globules and dispersed in water treated with a small. It is also used for the production of asphalt pavements with below penetration bitumen 60 70 specifications. In the emulsification process, hot binder is mechanically separated into minute globules and dispersed in water treated with a small quantity of emulsifying agent. Crs 60 cationic spray grade bitumen emulsion description crs 60 is a low viscosity cationic rapidset bitumen emulsion. Ass17060 and crs17060 are the most commonly used emulsion grades. Emulsifier can be defined as a surfaceactive agent.
Download the data sheets for all of our products here too. Crs 60 60 % residual bitumen crs 68 68% residual bitumen cms 60. This grade of bitumen is mainly used in the manufacture of hot mix asphalt for bases and wearing courses. The bitumen is dispersed throughout the continuous aqueous phase in the form of discrete droplets, typically 0. Iran bitumen crs are usually made by passing the mixture of hot bitumen and water phase between a rotating disc, cone or wheel and a stator. Chapter three from the basic asphalt emulsion manual.
A positive and a negative electrode are left in a sample of emulsion for half an hour. Crs1 is considered a rapidsetting tack coat emulsion. Sprayed sealing guide section 5 materials roads and maritime. Cqs1hlm, crs 1, crs1h, crs 2, css1h, emulsified asphalt prime, ntcqs1hm, rc250. Do if possible, use warm water for dilution and always add the water slowly to the emulsion not the emulsion to the water. Ow or wo reduces energy needed to emulsify asphalt determines charge on emulsion droplets stabilizes emulsion droplets as they are formed in the colloid mill stabilizes the droplets during storage of the emulsion provides the right setting behavior influences the physical properties of the emulsion.
The amount of the polymer modification can be up to 7%, and the solids content is normally in the range of 75% to 78%. Bitumen emulsions are used as an energy efficient, safer alternative to cutback bitumen and find application where the use of hot applied binders may not be the most suitable. During application, the water in a bitumen emulsion is either lost by evaporation. But as the bitumen is a petroleum product it doesnt mix with water and as it is sticky in nature, it doesnt easily gets disintegrated into fine droplets. Background information about bitumen emulsions bitumen emulsions are created when bitumen and water are mixed together with the aid of an emulsifier. Item 316 of the txdot standard specifications requires that seal coats and surface treatments be placed when the air temperature is above 50f and rising. Do not dilute rapidsetting grades of emulsified asphalt with water. Bitumen can only be used to create roading products. Crs2p cationic rapid setting high viscosity polymer modified asphalt emulsion nomenclature asphalt emulsion astm d 977, aashto m 140 cationic emulsion astm d 2397, aashto m 208 polymermodified cationic emulsion aashto m 316 rs1 crs1 rs2 crs2 crs2p, crs2l hfrs2 ms1 ms2 cms2 ms2h cms2h hfms1. This is mainly a rapid setting crs emulsion with medium solid content and generally used for patching, grouting, subbase, surface dressing and sealing. Avoid excessive pumping with high shear pumps, especially if the emulsion is cool.
Estimated presently at 20% of the global bitumen use, bitumen emulsions are basically an ow oil on water solution a dispersion of bitumen particles on water, stabilized with the addiction of surfactants surface active agents. Asphalt emulsion crs2 safety data sheet product identifier asphalt emulsion crs2 other means of identification. Understanding and using asphalt emulsion emulsion 101 by jack dougherty rocky mountain west pavement preservation peppermill, reno 1052011. This technical specification forms part of the transport and main roads specifications manual. The pump may be damaged and the asphalt may become even harder. Uses crs 70 is used mainly as a tack coat or penetration spray in the construction of single, double or cape seals. During application, the water in a bitumen emulsion is either lost by evaporation, or it may separate from the bitumen. Learn more about our emulsions for tack and fog seals, prime coats, slurry seals and chip seals. Different grades of modified bitumen bitumen emulsion. Bitumen emulsion emulsion bitumencationic emulsion anionic. Bitumen penetration grade 40 60 is a standard penetration grade bitumen usually used as a paving grade bitumen suitable for road construction and for the production of asphalt pavements with superior properties. For higher residual bitumen content emulsions above 75% refer to samiflex e hr range for polymer modified emulsions or samiflex e lx range for latex modified emulsions or samiflex crs hr for unmodified cationic high residue emulsion. Uses crs 60 is used mainly as a hand applied tack coat or penetration spray in the construction of single, double or cape seals.
Bitumen emulsion emulsion bitumencationic emulsion. Samiflex e hr range comprise of polymer modified cationic bitumen emulsion for spray sealing applications as an alternative to hot modified or conventional binders. Bitulastic crs emulsion 170 60 page 6 of 7 acute aquatic hazard. Bitumen emulsion is a mixture of fine droplets of bitumen and water. Crs 60 is a low viscosity cationic rapidset bitumen emulsion. Asphalt emulsion industries product list and downloads. Bitumen emulsions have being developed and exponentially increased sinned they were created in 1900.
Guide 9 bituminous emulsions version edits 11 june 2018 1. A bituminous emulsion is a mixture of fine bitumen droplets and emulsifiers. Technical specifications vary greatly depending on the product and are not reflected in this document. Mrts21 technical specification transport and main roads. Overview of asphalt emulsion 3 standard bitumen asphalt emulsions are normally considered to be of the ow type and contain from 40% to 75% bitumen, 0. Crs2 should not be applied when the air temperature is below 60f and falling. Shaded areas may delay curing time depending on nighttime temperature and humidity.
Purpose what is a bituminous emulsion australian asphalt. Synonyms cat spray emulsion crs 60 crs 62 crs 65 crs 170 60 uses road maintenance tack coating 1. Asphalt bitumen 8052424 4075 water 7732185 25 60 fatty amin emulsifier mixture bitumen emulsion is an important building material, especially in highway pavement construction. Bitumen emulsion is heterogeneous, twophase systems consisting of two immiscible liquids, bitumen and water, stabilized by a third component, the emulsifier. Bitumen emulsion types, uses, advantages and manufacture. Description crs 60 is a low viscosity cationic rapid set bitumen emulsion. The two most common basic emulsion types are designated by the letter c for cationic emulsions, as in crs. Asphalt emulsion quality control amazon web services. Do avoid repeated pumping and recycling, if possible, as the viscosity may drop and air may become entrained, causing the emulsion to be unstable. Generaly this is 60% bitumen and 40% water, however residual bitumen content can be increased to 70%. Do avoid repeated pumping and recycling, if possible, as the viscosity may drop and air may become entrained, causing the. Emulsion sealing high bitumen content emulsion hbce bitumen content 7075% higher viscosity, applied at 7585c modified sbr latex and unmodified cures more quickly than 60% emulsion more suitable for heavily trafficked roads less risk of binder run off than 60% lower transport costs per litre of.
Medium and slow setting grades may be diluted, but always add water slowly to the asphalt emulsion. Txdot further states that no asphalt binders should be. The properties of the bituminous emulsion with 60% binder content shall comply with the requirements. Understanding and using asphalt emulsion emulsion 101 by jack dougherty rocky mountain west pavement preservation peppermill, reno 1052011 a subsidiary of a l o n u s a. This limits the use of emulsions to small cover aggregate sizes or necessitates the. They are prepared as emulsion at high temperatures, but applied as solid dispersion at ambient temperatures. Crs 60 is used mainly as a hand applied tack coat or penetration spray in the construction of. Standard emulsions contain approximately 60% bitumen eg crs17060 grade and cannot be applied at more than about 1. Crs 2 532110 crs 2p 532420 this material safety data sheet applies to the listed products and synonym descriptions for hazard communication purposes only. Crs 60 is a low viscosity cationic rapid set bitumen emulsion. Identification of material and supply company supplier. Bituminous emulsion in which the dispersed bitumen particles are.
Bitumen emulsion may also be used as a seal binder. These include the following cationic emulsions css slow set, crs rapid set and cam aggregate mixing grade. Crs 60 is used mainly as a hand applied tack coat or penetration spray in the. Emulsion % latex gsin delta delta gsin delta delta gsin delta delta gsin delta delta crs2 0. Description crs 70 is a high viscosity cationic rapid set bitumen emulsion.
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